Thank you for buying GAMES 1993 CD This CD-ROM was made by Chicago Computer Broker This CD-ROM contains over 6000 GAME FILES GIVING YOU THE MOST EXTENSIVE GAME FILE COLLECTION TO DATE. 500MB OF GAMES. The files are sorted by type into directory. Some of the best games you will find are in the Apogee directory. The Zipped programs on this CD-ROM are shareware and if you continue to use them then you should pay the registration fees. After all if no one payes the registration fees there would not be any shareware. So do your part and pay for those programs that you use. The descriptions of the files are contained in each directory plus are contained in the GAMELIST directory. To uncompress the files I suggest you use ZipMaster as I have found this to be the easiest to use. I have set up a bat file called start.bat it will run zip-master by loading your hard drive in one screen and the cd in the other screen. A second way to unzip the files is to copy pkunzip from the zip directory to your harddrive then copy over the files you wish to unzip. Then type pkunzip then the file name and the file will uncompress.